Collaboratively Remediate Your HubSpot Security Risks

Valence provides a powerful security suite that enables you to engage with end users and quickly remediate risks to help secure your Hubspot environment.

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Collaboratively Remediate Your SaaS Security Risks

Valence Security for Hubspot

Securing Salesforce requires in-depth knowledge of its complex and ever changing features, user privilege terminology and settings, third-party OAuth apps and App Exchange extensions , etc. in order to implement appropriate security measures. In many cases, security teams lack the knowledge and expertise in Salesforce, which makes it difficult to detect risks and misconfigurations such as new admins, users that login without corporate SSO, and third-party integrations. The Valence Platform enables security teams to manage and remediate Salesforce security risks by collaborating with business users through automated workflows.

Recent Salesforce Misconfiguration

Collaboratively Remediate Your SaaS Security Risks

Krebs on Security recently posted that numerous organizations, including banks and healthcare providers, are leaking sensitive info from public Salesforce Community websites due to misconfiguration. This allows unauthenticated users to access private records.
Recent cases like the Vermont state and Washington D.C. government exposed sensitive data such as names, SSNs, and bank account info. Salesforce advises customers to use their Guest User Access Report Package and follow best practices when configuring guest user profiles.

Collaboratively Remediate Your SaaS Security Risks

Automate Remediation & Educate Users on Salesforce Security Best Practices

Valence’s automated remediation workflows enables security teams to engage with Salesforce admins and business users throughout the remediation process. This gives security teams insights into business context for Salesforce adoption and usage, enables them to encourage business users to remediate risks themselves which reduces the effort required for security teams to remediate Salesforce security risks and educates them on Salesforce security best practices.

Collaboratively Remediate Your SaaS Security Risks

Gain Control Over Unmanaged User Identities

With Valence, you can detect and track identities that are not managed by your Identity Provider (IdP), overprivileged users and weak authentication that doesn’t leverage best practices such as MFA. You can then automatically remediate these risks to prevent account compromise and data loss breaches.

Collaboratively Remediate Your SaaS Security Risks
Collaboratively Remediate Your SaaS Security Risks

Protect Sensitive Customer & Company Data from Oversharing

Salesforce is a repository for your organization’s most sensitive data–customer PII, internal sales documents and product info yet its data sharing capabilities are often overlooked. Files can be broadly shared through Salesforce sites and Chatter conversations (Salesforce’s built in Bulletin Board). Valence secures against indiscriminate sharing of data by ensuring that sharing privileges follow company policies and privilege creep is continuously identified and right-sized.

Collaboratively Remediate Your SaaS Security Risks

Discover & Govern Salesforce Integration Risks

Salesforce has evolved beyond a stand-alone CRM to become a  robust sales and marketing platform, encouraging business users to connect it to third-party integrations like Marketo, Salesloft and Gong via the Salesforce App Exchange or OAuth tokens. These integrations can increase the risk of supply chain attacks, account takeovers and data loss. Valence enables security teams to uncover misconfigured, inactive and over privileged integrations for continuous remediation.

Collaboratively Remediate Your SaaS Security Risks

Valence Solution Benefits

Valence's collaborative SaaS security platform provides security teams with unparalleled visibility and control to identify and remediate Salesforce misconfigurations and privilege drift, as well provide security controls around third-party SaaS-to-SaaS integrations, and unmanaged SaaS users.

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