Use case

Manage Misconfigurations and Drift

Valence helps security teams and SaaS admins with complex SaaS configuration management by identifying misconfigurations, managing the fix process and detecting SaaS configuration drift from defined baselines and best practices

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Automate Remediation with a SaaS Application Security Platform

Recent attacks on Snowflake customers highlight the customer's responsibility for secure SaaS configurations. Complex SaaS applications and decentralized management, however, make misconfigurations a constant challenge. Non-security admins often lack the specific knowledge to manage security settings effectively. As a result, keeping your SaaS environment secure is far from easy.

2024 State of SaaS Security Report

43% of security leaders identified the complexity of SaaS configurations as one of their biggest challenges. Read more about SaaS complexity and other challenges.

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The Valence Solution

Don't let SaaS complexity become a security liability. Valence's platform automates configuration assessments and continuous monitoring to catch misconfigurations and detect configuration drift. Pre-built security checks based on industry standards and best practices ensure your configurations are secure. Valence streamlines remediation with automated workflows and empowers collaboration with business users. This reduces security team workload and frees them to address more strategic security challenges.

2024 State of SaaS Security Report

43% of security leaders identified the complexity of SaaS configurations as one of their biggest challenges. Read more about SaaS complexity and other challenges.

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SaaS Misconfiguration Complexity is Real, Regain Control

Valence provides deep visibility into SaaS misconfigurations, offering actionable insights and automated remediation. Take control of your SaaS security posture. Try Valence today and see the difference.

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Business Value

Central Inventory

Manage Your SaaS Security Posture

Get visibility into core SaaS applications managed outside of IT/ security

Central Inventory

Ensure Compliance with Policies

Monitor adherence to industry standards and regulations

Automated Workflows

Reduce Required


Empower security teams to focus on strategic risk reduction via automated configuration checks


Enable Business Productivity

Harden SaaS application security posture

Enable Business Productivity

Remediate risky misconfigurations of SaaS applications

Enable Business Productivity

Comply with industry frameworks like PCI, NIST, ISO and CIS

Enable Business Productivity

Detect SaaS application configuration drift

Enable Business Productivity

Educate application admins on SaaS security best practices

Identify Critical SaaS Security Risks

Get our free SaaS risk assessment will provide a comprehensive report on your configuration issues, data exposure risks, and compliance gaps.

Get a Risk Assessment
Empower Your Organization to Securely Adopt SaaS