Empower Your Organization to Securely Adopt SaaS

Find and fix your SaaS risks with the only SaaS security platform that brings together security teams and business users to effectively manage SaaS security posture and remediate risks.

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Why SaaS Security is a Top Priority

Enterprise environments show the growing SaaS risks due to complex configurations and decentralized business unit adoption. Our primary research unveiled the average organization experiences the following:

1 in 8 accounts are dormant
21 third-parties have tenant-wide access
Find and Fix SaaS Security Risks - Valence security - SaaS security
90% of external data shares are inactive
100% of orgs have MFA exceptions
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Discover What Valence Can Do for You in 3 Minutes

Learn more about Valence’s unique approach to SaaS security and SaaS security posture management (SSPM) from the 2023 RSA Innovation Sandbox finals

Valence Helps You Solve Your SaaS Security Challenges

Security teams now have the SaaS security and SSPM capabilities needed to manage and reduce risks while collaborating with business users

Secure the SaaS Apps Your Business Relies on the Most

Valence integrates and supports dozens of SaaS applications such as Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Salesforce, Okta, and GitHub.

All SaaS Apps

Valence’s Unique Approach- SaaS Security Remediation

Valence is the only company to provide holistic coverage of SaaS security risks and SSPM capabilities, combined with remediation, business user collaboration and automated workflows

Doug Graham, Chief Trust Officer - Lionbridge- Valence- Collaboratively Remediate Your SaaS Security Risks

“The ability to automatically mitigate SaaS security risks is a game changer for our security team. Instead of executing manual and labor-intensive workflows, Valence’s self governance workflows automatically collect the required business context, educate business users about SaaS risks and encourage them to remediate risks on their own.”

Doug Graham, Chief Trust Officer

Collaboratively Remediate Your SaaS Security Risks- Valence- Lionbridge logo

Learn more on how Lionbridge revoked 95% of inactive SaaS-to-SaaS tokens without any manual effort

Lionbridge case study

Industry Validation

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See the Valence Platform in Action

Valence’s SaaS Security Platform makes it easy to find and fix risks across your mission-critical SaaS applications

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2024 State of SaaS Security Report

Explores key challenges, potential risks, and best practices to navigate the modern SaaS security landscape.

Download Findings