How Generative AI Benefits SaaS Security

How Generative AI Benefits SaaS Security

Adrian Sanabria
June 15, 2023
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How Generative AI Benefits SaaS Security

The term artificial intelligence was at the tail end of a previous hype cycle in Information Security, particularly with a changing of the guard in the antivirus space. Those that figured out how to harness machine learning for spotting novel malware samples, and got that technology to market first, won the race. Those that didn’t, faded away with the hype.

Suddenly, here we are again - artificial intelligence hype is bigger than ever. Yet generative AI is a very different technology than what we’ve seen used by security vendors in the past. This AI technology is innately human, achieving a natural communication flow and sophistication that current virtual assistants never achieved. Large Language Models (LLMs) are uniquely suited for communication, which is why one of its most successful forms so far is a chatbot (ChatGPT - the fastest-growing tech product ever).

We believe that speed to market is as important as getting it right. That’s why we’re excited to announce that we have found some significant use cases for generative AI in the Valence SaaS Security Platform and worked around the clock to deliver it to our customers

One of the major challenges in SaaS security is that security teams are required to become experts in many SaaS applications. Each one has unique terminology, permissions, data models and security configurations. It’s both unlikely and unrealistic to expect security teams to become technically fluent across each of these SaaS platforms.

What if they didn’t have to? By leveraging generative AI capabilities, the Valence AI Assistant can analyze SaaS security risks and help security teams quickly define a remediation plan. The AI Insights option sends the data we have about SaaS applications and security configurations to OpenAI’s GPT, which elaborates on importance, context and remediation. This saves security teams the need to search for each issue separately and parse documentation on a case-by-case basis.

generative AI assistant screenshot

It is natural to be concerned about AI hallucinations, but this issue can be minimized, which Valence has successfully achieved in this release. The latest versions of GPT, on which the Valence solution is built, are considerably less likely to hallucinate than earlier GPT versions. More targeted use, and access to external data - both factors in our use case, also minimize the chances of hallucination.

The Valence SaaS security platform supports dozens of SaaS applications such as Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Slack, Salesforce, GitHub, Okta, Atlassian, Workday and more. By leveraging the power of AI, security teams can now improve their knowledge and understanding of risks across all these platforms and establish better communication with business application owners that manage these applications today.

Read the press release here.

For more information and to see a demo of the new SaaS security AI Assistant, contact Valence Security.

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